Donors Wall

Thank You To Our Donors!

CIM Alumni

Brian Anderson

Sara Andon

Hayden Bilyeu

Steve Bishop

Bate Bond

Jessie Boone

Beely Bounedara

Alan Brown

Michael Bugbee

Daniel Bugbee

Drew Carmichael

Drew Cox

Dale Crass

Chris Davenport

Jacob Davis

Matt Dryden

Cody Eaton

Justin Edwards

Nick Edwards

Richard Farmer

Marcus Gates

Phillip Hackett

Jonathan Harrell

Kirk Harris

Kell Harvey

Dustin Heiland

Jon Holmes

Jon Huddleston

Terry Hughes

Chadd Hustedde

Mary Michael Jett

Souriwong Kayasith

Nicole Maher

Natalie Martin

Zach Mestancik

Taylor Northern

Patrick O’Connell

Tamson Omps

Kevin Overall

Paul Ozinga

Garret Pair

David Parker

Jacob Pasco

Ben Petzinger

Katie Poss

James Reeves

Nathaniel Reynolds

Thomas Salisbury

Amanda Schweighardt

Memory of Jim Speakman

Jaclyn Streeter

Rickey Swancey

Jenna Taylor

Marcus Taylor

Lee Thrasher

Eric Thompson

Kyle Weatherly

Forrest Wilson

Shane Xu

Aleck Yancey

Matt Young

As you know, we are in desperate need of improved facilities to support our programs on campus.  And, now, we are closer than ever to getting a new building with support of the university and nearly $4M in industry support!

We need your help!  With the support of the following alumni donors, we can now designate a hall in the building to alumni and every donor will have their name etched on the wall by the year you graduated. The donation level is $1,500 and can be pledged up to a five year payment plan (that’s as little as $25/month!)  The first installment is due after the state votes on the building in November 2018.  We hope that your experience in our program, industry and career-path will solidify your participation.

Any questions?  Contact Sally Victory at or 615-494-7658.