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CIM Alumni is New CIM Director
After 14 years, Dr. Heather Brown has officially turned over her Director role to alumni and faculty member, Jon Huddleston. All that know her, knows she gave her whole heart to building and cultivating the CIM program at MTSU. The CIM program is so fortunate to have...

MTSU Celebrates Groundbreaking for New CCM Building
The University officially broke ground on its new 54,000 square foot School of Concrete and Construction Management building at a ceremony on April 6, 2021. With special guests, industry partners and alumni on hand in person and many others watching virtually on True...

CIM Alumni is New CIM Director
After 14 years, Dr. Heather Brown has officially turned over her Director role to alumni and faculty member, Jon Huddleston. All that know her, knows she gave her whole heart to building and cultivating the CIM program at MTSU. The CIM program is so fortunate to have...